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Node client setup

Download the latest client release:


Set up the right privileges for the client with chmod +x neatio.

Run screen ./neatio and wait to sync. Detach from screen with CTRL + A + D . To reattach the screen use screen -r.

To import an existing wallet log into the Neatio console with:

./neatio attach /root/.neatio/neatio/neatio.ipc

-> now while into the console type personal.importRawKey('WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY', 'ANY_PASSWORD') . To exit from Neatio console, type exit.

Generate your validator file

In the VPS terminal type ./neatio cvf YOUR_ADDRESS

Validator consensus_pub_key is a 256 long string.
Validator consensus_priv_key is a 64 long string.


Copy the output as you will need it in the next step and is a good idea to also back it up.